A multidimensional power vessel for the leading edge visionary, trailblazer and disruptor.

*Or hit the chat button on this page to book your call with my Diamond Concierge

You know you’re not here to play how they do.

You know you are here to work beyond linear timelines, multidimensionally and with the highest integrity to your unique blueprint.

You know you're here to live an extraordinary life of impact.

You’ve made the moves, now you’re ready to turn the POWER up 100 notches.

You are in the right place.

And you want to do it all without endlessly seeking in every corner for a shadow, something to fix or heal and mistrusting your own invisible compass.

Without white knuckling your business (and life) trying to control every outcome.

Without months of digging into the past trying to find the “thing”.

Without being stuck in a rigid system that doesn’t let you truly play in the playground of your life.

You want to shift into power and your fullest expression so that you can:

  • Expand with the frequency of command and be master of your reality

  • Apply it to absolutely ANYTHING you are creating from business, to money, to legacy projects and see your desire manifest in the 3D 

  • Amplify and hyperspeed your goals (because you know the identity in which you are moving now is still slowing the process and you are ready for MORE.)

"My highest dreams are now my baseline. I feel my inner power is the most essential and simple thing to work from when choosing any new task or opportunity.

The biggest breakthrough was realizing that I have a choice to create anything as a result of what I am being. The course gave me access to that in a tangible way." - D.P

This is an invitation to fully immerse yourself in a vessel of expansion dedicated to your unique codes of power, becoming the true sovereign creator of your reality and recoding the old frequency that has you hindering the expansion you seek. 

This is my vortex of high level multidimensional energy activation, channeling and elite guidance for the highly committed and ready to expand.

This is a precise evaluation of your energy and a loving restoration into the power you desire to wield over your life, outcomes and visionary legacy.

What you learn here is for your lifetime (and generations to come).

*You will be emailed within 24 hours after enrollment with your next steps and access links!

Email lauren@recodewithlauren.com with any questions.

This is not learning power to wield over others…

This is accessing your internal knowing that is unshakable…

So that you are not lost in the weeds of trying every modality, flavor of the week mentor/strategy/guru, outsourcing your power to your human design or waiting on your astro chart to make your boldest move…

So that you aren't stuck in the “reality” someone else created around wealth, legacy, healing, business or what is possible/impossible in your world...

So that any information you take in, any situation you are in, any social post you see, any new information ingest, you can filter it though your internal GPS that is clear, solid and stable with its ineffable knowingness…

Instead of battling with self doubt (big or small) alone, holding shame that you should be further in your legacy pursuits, you have an experience of true self trust and mastery…

This work yields long term results, again and again, beyond any tactic, hack or strategy.

"Listening to the calls activated me on such a deep granular level. I would literally be a different person after each call." - D.P.

Anchor is a self led expansion vessel

Join now and receive:

  • 7 recorded sessions + resources on amplifying power, nourishing deep connection to your power core and removing hidden obstacles toward extraordinary growth (Watch in the time you have, on your app with lifetime access)

  • Audio/visual activation The Sacred Well to reprogram the subconscious and activate new energy to bust your frustrating and hidden current loops

  • Lifetime membership to The Visionary Portal an intimate community of visionaries, a vault of masterclasses a secret transmissions (Normally 19.99 Monthly)

  • BONUS: King Crucible Experience ($999 Value)

This is an immersive experience with lifetime access to all resources to use again and again.

This is about being amongst other committed visionaries doing the work, anchoring yourself into your highest state of Being that allows you to master the frequency of true power, confidence, and sovereignty over your outcomes.

This is leadership from embodied power.

Let it become the beacon for your desires and your highest legacy.

*You will be emailed within 24 hours after enrollment with your next steps and access links!

Email lauren@recodewithlauren.com with any questions.

What Clients Are Saying……

"Anchor is a layered and deep journey filled with golden nuggets where you clarify your transformation, hold your power, act upon your decisions, and create, expand, and integrate your identity.

I feel more connected to my true essence, making faster decisions and knowing my power even on a body level, trusting myself to act upon it." - J.B

Lauren Zavlunov

If you are looking to embody your greatest personal power, collapse time and live your highest legacy, you are in the right place.

I am Lauren, Metaphysical Advisor and Energy Catalyst. After years of watching visionaries struggle with the fullest expression of their Genius and creating a satisfying legacy crafted on their own energetic blueprints, I founded the Black Diamond Process to help mavericks just like you liberate themselves and architect their destiny in record time.

My background in the professional arts, energy work, and high level mentorship together with my own personal journey outside mainstream transformational methods led me down the rabbit hole to discover the energetic keys that flip the switch from doubt to power, settling to Sovereign.

It is the only way outside of my bespoke Black Diamond Experience to work with me profoundly and quickly to activate your destiny legacy and explore this frequency with me.