Mystic Morsel:

Content That Magnetizes “Fuck Yes” Clients for Your Spiritual Business


Ready to Create Magnetic Content That Ignites Action and Sales?

There is social media content that your clients love to watch and absorb, but will never spark them to actually move, enroll or invest in you.

(Hint: Your vegan food looks great but that isn't blowing thier damn mind or telling them why your work is going to turn their world upside down and shift what they've been stumbling on for years. )

There is content that is inspirational, and will only spark a flicker of interest even if you've spent hours telling a beautiful story.

There is content that looks nice on the outside like you've got your shit together and "should work" but your audience can sniff out the true frequency behind it and scroll right on.

And then there is content that lives within you and holds true magnetic power.

There is content that ignites the fire in their belly so they know that YOU are the one that will deliver what they have been hungering for.

Content that sells- small mentorship packages, big packages, one off sessions to a year of them.

Content that is coded with the frequency of the EXACT client you want to work with...and they show up.

Content that energetically spins on its own long after you think the algorithm has had its way with it.

Content that LEADS.

Content that holds true to the energetic essence that pulls your soul clients right toward the beautiful vortex of you.

Dear Energy worker, Healer, Mentor.

Your content on social media is an amplification of your incredible work.

It is how you speak.

It is what you say.

It is where energetically you speak from.

It is the frequency of your tone.

It is the voice of your Genius speaking directly to theirs.

This isn't about posting 20x a day.

This isn't about making it hard, or complicated or "perfect".

This is about potency.

This isn’t..

This isn't about sending potential clients in a spin of a hundred different pain points in order to sell your thing.

This isn't about speaking to their shadow so they move in fear or implementing “tactics” that aren’t in integrity.

This IS about attracting clients who want to invest in themselves, prioritize expansion, and love to pay you. 

Who delight in your very presence and get the absolute highest outcomes from their work with you.

And it all begins here.

A powerful hour and a half Masterclass on the energetics and the strategy of magnetic content for your spiritual business.

It is the difference between-

"You're so inspiring!"

and  "Where the hell do I enroll for this magic?"

Join me in…

SPARK Masterclass:

Magnetic Content That Ignites Action and Sales

*Please note: If you have difficulty enrolling make sure you are enrolling on an Android device or via the web. If you are on an iOS device, please copy and paste link into your browser to purchase.