The Portal:

Transformation Through the Dark Corridor of the Shadow

Consciously Create in the Quantum, Activate your True Magic and Master Your Energy

Life Path (7 weeks)

Starting April 12th

The Cave You Fear to Enter Holds the Treasure You Seek— Joseph Campbell

Welcome traveler. The only way out is through.

Somewhat like Alice you may have been tumbling down the rabbit hole.


Terrified and curious to see what’s next.

Somehow you made it here (you little spiritual rebel you), and there certainly is a reason.

You know there is something more to mastering your energy.

You’ve been investing in yourself, you’ve been upgrading.

You’ve been doing all the "spiritual work”.

Maybe you’ve been journaling, exploring your Human Design, akashic records, past life regression, chakras, meditation, crystals, the certifications, the 7 step systems, the affirmations….

But if you are honest, you keep battling the same things.

Your shadow “work” propagates more shadows.

Your questions create more questions.

Your seeking becomes endless.

These tools offer temporary “information”, temporary relief, and reprieve.

They remain on the surface leaving you unsatisfied, floating in the abyss of wondering if you are “doing it right” because you are not seeing actual results in your life in the 3D.

You want to fully realize….

The vision. The abundance. The mastery. The MAGIC.

Deep down you know and that is why you are here.

You know there is something far deeper.

You know that there is an end to this freefall.

You know that your purpose is bigger than what you have currently been experiencing.

That crushing anxiety of you not living in your fullest expansion is no longer an option.

And maybe you have been experiencing some magic already, but it isn’t consistent in the way you know it should be.

There is a nagging feeling that just down the path, you will uncover what it is you have been searching for, but the path seems never ending.

You are ready to activate and master your own magic and frequency.

What does it really mean when you activate your magic and genius in your life?

  • Radical manifestation.

  • Time mastery.

  • Full ownership of your power and therefore conscious creation of your highest visions.

  • Synchroncity. There are no coincidences in your world and opportunity open up and blooms like wildflowers on every path.

  • Clarity and full discernment of what is your Truth and what is illusion in all areas of life.

    (Most think they know, but stumble endlessly through the labyrinth of the patterns of self sabotage, doubt, reactivity and fear without fully seeing the shadow that leads them.)

  • The annihilation of triggers and behavior that have been leading you to dead ends of the labyrinth, cycles of doubt and hesitation.

  • Results in your life and your business that transcend logic, time, and reason.

This program is unlike anything you have participated in.

There are two paths you can choose to follow…..

Path 1: Life Activation


Path 2: Life and Business Activation

(You chose life path, an 7 week journey)

Starting April 12th


As a visionary, mystic, a seeker…...

You may have fallen down the rabbit hole once or twice.

You may have been distracted by the shiny objects of the personal growth world.

Chasing the white rabbit.

Constantly bombarded with messages, promises, ideas, strategies and tools.



With little actual real world results to show….


I know what that feels like.

After running multiple businesses, getting the certifications, hustling, investing in the programs and coaching and doing all the inner “work”……

I followed the “love and light”, but being solely in the light consciousness can only take you so far.

It left me broke with even more questions.

Today is a much different picture after alchemizing my own chaos, shadow, and fear based operational system.

I discovered that the work I am about to show you had allowed me to identify my unique genius, show up fully in life and business, claim my power and take radical responsibility for my energy. This resulted in quantum leaps in creating a powerful soul led coaching business from nothing, unwavering trust in my intuition, 2k days, deep connections and (the greatest gift) catalyzing incredible transformation and results for my clients in life and business as well.

“Lauren freed me from the shackles of my own mind.”

— J.R.

Current spirituality/self-help/personal growth will have you:

  • Picking at old wounds

  • Constantly managing instead of mastering

  • Outsourcing your power to tools, trick, hacks, methods

  • Not fully taking responsibility for your own energy

  • Investing time in surface level action

  • Endlessly seeking and healing (and never feeling healed enough/high vibe enough/spiritual enough)

  • Skimming the surface of your true depth and mastery

  • Looking towards the past and simply building upon old frequencies

  • Sitting in the energy of hope, going with the "flow", waiting for divine timing

  • Ignoring your true gifts and, instead, following step by step methods

  • Scratching at the surface of why you are being triggered AF and never really getting to the root

You are here

because you know

there is another way.

What if…

You shattered the low frequency voices/paradigms and transmuted them to your highest vision?

What if, from that work, you had the most profound results in understanding and mastering your energy more deeply?

You become the power behind ANY tool that you wield?

What if, in your life….

  • You experienced deeper knowing and accessed your highest intuition?

  • You lived in powerful confidence daily and doubt/fear did not dictate your actions?

  • You experienced conscious creation of your highest visions for your life with greater ease?

  • You cleaned up your energy for greater channels of receiving? (Money, love, joy)

  • By simply showing up in your magic unapologetically, you were able to consciously create the life you know you were meant to lead here on this planet?

  • Crafted your life as a masterpiece and a legacy?

  • Identified and annihilated the shadows that currently have you believing in the illusions of limitations?

  • You had unwavering belief in your own magic?

You can.

However, this work requires a death.

Death of the old self.

The old way.

The old belief.

The old stories.

The old identity.

Of what you previously believed was your Truth.

Of what you have been previously been told.

Death of your shadow archetypes that have you tethered to an endless cycle.

Are you willing? Then read on.

The Portal is a transformational 7 week journey into the cave of unknowing, through the shadow, into the light to seek out the greatest treasure…


Your magic. Your genius. Your masterpiece.

So that you can consciously create your life and your business on the highest of levels.

This is not the spiritual and shadow “work” that is commonly done.

This isn’t about the endless seeking and dipping into old wounds.

This will not have you simply look at the shadow and “integrate it”, deal with it, make peace with it.

You will intimately learn its language, its energy and it’s illusion.

This is not about needing to heal before you can create on a powerful level.

This about a deeper understanding and alchemization of your shadow into your highest frequency.

This is about destroying those illusions and stepping fully into illumination.

This is about reorganizing your consciousness to understand that you have the power and to own that power, fully, unapologetically …….

To literally tap into the Magician and the Alchemist.

To open your heart of Knowing.

Through this powerful path we will walk on together through the labyrinth, weeding out the energetic dead ends, exploring the many faces we put on and identifying the shadow archetypes with laser precision, embodying high frequency archetypes, pulling the triggers, and exploring the electric garden…..the web that connects you to your past present and future AND the past present and future of those around you.

You will come out more electrifyingly YOU.

Able to create without illusion.

Identify and transmute shadow.

Own your unfuckwithable energy.

Embody razor sharp intuition that leads you beyond time and space.

Take bold AF action to create as you please.

Transmute your chaos into rapid expansion.

And see tangible results in your reality.

Joy. Money. Connection. Confidence.

Get ready to finally enter the center of the labyrinth.

The Details.

Length: 7 Weeks

9 live training sessions via zoom

(All recorded and uploaded to your account)

Intimate Private Facebook group

3, 20 minute 1:1 laser coaching sessions with Lauren

60- Minute Live Q&A/Training Based On the Group’s Needs


Just 20 spots available.

Life Path

Pay in Full Option

Life Path

Payment Plan Option

5 Monthly Installments of 333 USD

The expected (and deliciously unexpected) things that happen when we work together….

Without even working with me on social media strategy or “doing” anything different beyond releasing energy, one client in my program watched their Facebook business page post go viral more than once, add over 2k to their audience and expand their audience to 18 million views.

One spiritual business client had been struggling monthly for a year to make rent and sell single sessions for their healing space. After implementing one shift in energy and offerings, they added an extra 1k in a week after a session with me and now sell multiple session packages with ease.

One client realized her triggers around her recent ex (of 20+ years) had completely dissolved by the end of 8 weeks of working together.

Another client, after trying countless tools and methods for expansion from hypnotherapy, reiki, soul retrieval, qi gong etc. was still experiencing crushing anxiety. After 8 weeks, they were no longer frozen by anxiety or triggered by complex family situations. They learned to shift their energy and took massive action toward their dreams of creating an artist-in-residence program.

One client was approached for the first time from a music producer simply by showing up on social media.

Another client after just a few weeks of working together, shattered a lifetime identity of being a victim, shifted her energy and create strong energetic boundaries that has allowed her to dissolve and alchemize her past into her power.

And this is just the beginning…

Choose your path below and begin the journey….

Doors close 4/9 (or when all spots are filled.)

Life Path

Pay in Full Option

Life Path

Payment Plan Option

5 Monthly Installments of 333 USD